Sunday, October 20, 2013

Get Pregnant With A Son Naturally - Four Helpful Tricks To Get a Male Child Fast

Learn about the natural ways supplements can help you conceive a boy baby

There are different supplements that you can take in order to have a boy baby ( how to conceive a boy ). Since male sperm is weaker than female sperm and survives for a shorter period of time it needs to be helped to get to the egg first. By increasing the production of cervical mucus in your vaginal tract you can help male spermatozoa along and the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a son rises. One supplement that helps increase the quality of cervical mucus and help support male sperm survive is Evening Primrose Oil. When you begin taking this supplement use approximately 1500mg to 3000mg every day starting from the first day of your period through ovulation. Another helpful supplement for making a boy baby is known as Guaifenesin. Tablets are now available over the counter as an inexpensive alternative to buying the cough syrup that usually contains guaifenesin. When you take tablets of guaifenesin the cervical mucus thins and he sperm can maneuver more easily towards the ovum. Start by taking 200mg three times a day and if your cervical mucus does not become thinner you can increase the dosage to the maximum allowed stated on the label. There is no advantage in taking guaifenesin other times because it is only pertinent that your cervical mucus is ready right before and during intercourse.

Learn how you can conceive a son by eating these foods

The pH of your body will either raise or lower depending on what foods you eat. A high pH level enables conceiving a baby girl while a low pH level enables for a boy ( natural ways to get pregnant with a baby boy ). A high pH level creates a hostile environment in the vagina for the Y chromosome carrying sperm. If you wish to have a son it is important that you lower your pH by consuming high alkaline foods. By consuming an alkaline rich diet the pH of your vaginal tract will also be more alkaline. A low pH cervical fluid betters the chances that the spermatozoa containing Y chromosomes survive longer and enable the production of a male fetus. One way to lower the pH of your cervical fluid is to go on a special diet that restricts how many acidic foods you consume. Some acidic foods that you should avoid include anything pickled and meats like beef and pork. Instead try to incorporate the alkaline foodstuffs such as eggs and fish in your diet. You can visit your doctor or browse the internet to find a complete list of what foods are acidic and what are alkaline.

If you wish to conceive a boy baby learn everything about you and your partner’s reproductive cycles

The first step of the male reproductive system is to produce spermatozoa and the second step is to transport it safely into the female vaginal tract. Sperm mature in the testes and then finish their maturation in the epididymis where after 24 hours they will be fully mature and able to move. The ejaculatory process starts with arousal and the penis filling with blood and becoming erect. First the mature spermatozoa travel from the epididymis through the vas deferens that is a narrow tube about 18 inches long. Passing through the vas deferens and entering the urethra the spermatozoa are provided with fructose fluid that makes up most of the volume of the man’s ejaculate fluid. The liquid secretion from the seminal vesicles also provides the spermatozoa with alkalines that give them a better chance of survival in the acidic setting of the vagina. This liquid mixture is propelled forward through the ejaculatory ducts toward the urethra after passing through the prostrate gland. The prostatic fluid added by the prostrate gland helps the Y chromosome spermatozoa swim faster which is important for getting to the ovum cell. Ejaculation consists of semen leaving the urethra in a man’s penis and being deposited into a woman’s vagina. Only one to ten spermatozoa out of every 14 million spermatozoa deposited naturally in to the vagina will reach the end of the fallopian tube.

If you wish a baby son learn everything you can about your phases of ovulation

The luteal phase was coined after the corpus luteum and is the second half of a woman’s menstrual cycle ( get pregnant with a son naturally ). Ovulation will occur when the ovum to be released from the ovary and to the fallopian tube and this marks the beginning of the luteal phase. The ovum is released from a follicle and that follicle will become the corpus luteum. Without fertilization there will be continued drops in levels of estrogen and progesterone which trigger the end of the luteal phase and menstruation. After implantation a human embryo produces human chorionic gonadotropin which preserves the corpus luteum. If implantation occurs the corpus luteum will continue to produce for ten weeks after which the placenta takes over this function. Between ten and sixteen days length is considered normal for the luteal phases. While luteal phase length will be fairly consistent from cycle to cycle for one woman it will vary significantly between different women. This phase must be longer than 10 days in order for the uterine lining to develop fully. If you suffer from a luteal phase defect you can see your doctor about fertility drugs.