By timing when you have intercourse you can control if you will become impregnated with a male ( good website ). The most famous natural gender selection model is the Shettles' method that was first discovered in the seventies. The main idea of his model is that when couples learn how to time intercourse accordingly to ovulation they can influence the sex of the baby. Between the two chromosomes the male Y chromosome is a much quicker swimmer but the female Y chromosome lives longer. Becoming pregnant with a male baby is slightly more likely if you have sex at the precise time of ovulation. If the timing is a day or two earlier more of the male spermatozoa will die out and a female baby is most likely. Once you know you are about to ovulate be sure to have intercourse at least 12-24 hours before ovulation. If you have sex during your pre-ovulation phase make sure that you utilize a condom to lessen the risk of female spermatozoa having the upper hand and you becoming impregnated with a girl. The Shettles’ method is easy and safe and does not require and drugs or invasive medical procedures. Shettles claims that his methods for a son have a success rate of 80-85% and the methods for a girl a little less at 75-80%.
Genes composed of DNA and proteins that determine our inherited traits as well as gender are called chromosomes ( click here to discover ). Whether you are male of female is dependent on the presence or absence of certain chromosomes. The female gametes or eggs contain only the X sex chromosome. Males have two distinct sex chromosomes XY ad are called the heterogametic sex. When fertilization occurs the initial cell from which a fetus grows always inherits one of the mother’s X chromosomes. Sperm cells determine the sex of an individual for when the Y chromosome of a man meets with an X chromosome of a woman a boy in conceived. The Y chromosomes of males are fragile and weak in longevity. Despite being short lived the Y chromosomes are quick and can swim faster to reach the female tract. Once a spermatozoa reaches the ovum fertilization occurs and the process of making a baby has begun. Some developmental disorders in either partner can change how the fertilization occurs.
The part of the cycle that starts at ovulation and ends the day before your next period is known as the luteal phase. Ovulation will occur when the ovum to be released from the ovary and to the fallopian tube and this marks the beginning of the luteal phase. The ovum is released from a follicle and that follicle will become the corpus luteum. If implantation does not occur the endometrium starts to break down and is eventually sloughed off in menstruation. After implantation a human embryo produces human chorionic gonadotropin which preserves the corpus luteum. If implantation occurs the corpus luteum will continue to produce for ten weeks after which the placenta takes over this function. Between ten and sixteen days length is considered normal for the luteal phases. While luteal phase length will be fairly consistent from cycle to cycle for one woman it will vary significantly between different women. This phase must be longer than 10 days in order for the uterine lining to develop fully. If you suffer from a luteal phase defect you can see your doctor about fertility drugs.
Here are ways to change the environment of your body and have a son
Besides food there are also supplements you can consume to aid in making your body more accommodating to get pregnant with a male baby ( intercourse positions to get a boy baby ). Since male sperm is weaker than female spermatozoa and survives for a shorter period of time it needs to be helped to get to the egg first. By increasing the production of cervical mucus in your vaginal tract you can help male sperm along and the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a son rises. If you know you do not produce enough fertile cervical mucus try taking the supplement Evening Primrose Oil to help support male spermatozoa survival. When you begin taking this supplement use approximately 1500mg to 3000mg every day starting from the first day of your period through ovulation. Guaifenesin is another supplement that may be beneficial when you are trying to have a male baby. This supplement is found in cough remedies such as Robitussin that people take to loosen mucus and phlegm. When you take tablets of guaifenesin the cervical mucus thins and he sperm can maneuver more easily towards the egg. To use take 200mg with a full glass of water three times every day. In order to reap the full benefits of guaifenesin you should only use it during the five days before ovulation.